Find the lowest mortgage rates in Ireland
As a mortgage broker we offer you the best interest rates by comparing all mortgage lenders in the market, secure home loan approval and save you thousands in interest repayments.
What kind of mortgage do you need
We have a mortgage product for every stage in your property journey. Whether you are trying to buy your first home, considering an investment property, or interested in trading up to a bigger house our qualified mortgage brokers have the expert knowledge and experience to get you approval.
First Time Buyer
Top Mortgages will guide your through the process of your first mortgage application and help you secure your first home.
Switching lenders could save you thousands and take years off your mortgage. We can switch you to a better rate very simply.
Looking to release cash from your property to renovate your home or take that holiday you've been dreaming about.
Self Build
Building your own home is your chance to build exactly what you want from the ground up. We'll help you get started.
Expat Mortgage
We are specialists in getting mortgages for Irish people living or returning from working abroad. Arrange a callback with our broker.
Buy to Let
Thinking about becoming a landlord? Consider a Buy-to-Let mortgage and we'll help you every step of the way.
Mortgage repayment calculator
Our mortgage calculator will give you an idea of how much you can afford to borrow for a house, and how much the monthly repayments will be on your mortgage.
You can see how much your earning impact on how much you can borrow and how much interest you could pay over the term of your mortgage.
What can a mortgage broker do for me?
Buying a home is the biggest financial decision you will make in your life. Your mortgage repayment will be your highest expense for up to 30 years. Knowing this, don't you think its important that you get the best impartial advice you can before you start this journey.
Mortgage comparison
Get more from your mortgage with a choice of fixed or variable interest rates and the option of cashback or payment holidays to suit your life stage.
Best interest rates
Mortgage interest rates vary from lender to mortgage lender. Talking to a mortgage broker guarantees you get the best mortgage interest rates on your repayments.
Impartial financial advisor
A mortgage advisor, unlike mortgage providers offer impartial home loan advice. We look at your complete financials and show you the best deal for you.

Home Loan Advice And Guides
Explore our lending guides to help inform you on how to select the best mortgage option that's right for you, including advice on home maintenance and security.
Fixed rate mortgages are home loans where the interest rate is set at a fixed percentage for a set number of years. Generally, the term is for 1 to 10 years. Repayments remain the same every month for the duration of the loan term regardless of interst rate flucations in the market. Its important to know that changing mortgage during this fixed term can result in a penalty charge.
Home loans with a variable interest rate are mortgage repayments that can change on every payment for the duration of the term of your mortgage loan. The interest rate changes rise and fall based on the ECB (European Central Bank) interest rates.
Discounted variable rate is a temporary rate set below the standard variable rate (SVR). Often used as an incentive for new customers, it is typically for a period of 1 year to reduce the amount you repay before you move to a standard variable rate.
You can pay a lump sum off your mortgage or start making higher monthly repayments to pay off your mortgage early and reduce the total interest you would pay over the term of your home loan.
Certain lenders charge a fee to arrange your home loan. Some lenders only charge this for buy-to-let mortgages and investment properties.
If you are selling a property through an estate agent they will charge you a percentage fee based on the final selling price of the property. This fee averages at 1.5% and does not include extras such as advertising or sale signage.
Conveyancing is the term used when a solicitor handles the legal sale of a property. Every solicitor has different fees but expect to pay 1% - 2% of the sale price.
Structural survey is a report on the condition of a property. Some lenders require a structural survey to process your mortgage application but even if they don't it's wise to order the survey yourself so you know about any hidden problems in the property. Pricing for a structural survey varies a lot and is dependent on the age, type and location of the house.
Government tax payable on documents when you transfer ownership of a property. For residential property it is charged at 1% of the property value up to €1 million and 2% for anything greater.
Collected by revenue LPT is a self-assessed tax charged on the market value of residential properties in Ireland. Properties under €1m are charged at 0.18% of the property value and 0.25% on anything over the first €1m.